About me

I am a consultant of (intercultural) communication based in Brno, Czechia, who aims to bring innovation to the field. I do this for fun outside of my daytime job at the university (where I do scientific research and teach theories about communication).

In the past, I organized intercultural activities for groups coming to and from Czechia. I have various partners at different levels in Czechia, Slovakia, Taiwan and China, ranging from universities, high/middle schools, and studyabroad agencies.

Through the Trade License, I provide translation service and consultations regarding intercultural communication in the business and education sectors. I run language courses for strategic partners that have a vision and potential.

JMÉNO/NAME: Wei-lun Lu (weilunlu@gmail.com)

ADRESA/ADDRESS: Nerudova 4, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

IČ/ID NUMBER: 09369872 (Živnostenský úřad města Brna)

ČÍSLO ÚČTU/BANK ACCOUNT: 1124881019/3030 (Air Bank)

IBAN: CZ4030300000001124881019               BIC: AIRACZPP